Standard Registration and Payment Period Deadline: 17 February 2023, 1700hrs (GMT+8)
Late Registration and Payment: 18 February 2023 – 11 April 2023 (Tuesday), 1700hrs (GMT+8)
Very Late Registration and Payment: 12 April 2023 – 15 April 2023 (Saturday), 1200hrs (GMT+8)
Website link for students to refer to for more details and subjects:
Note: SSTC Institute is under Administration Zone 5. Ensure that the subjects you wish to sit for are available in Administration Zone 5. You can find this information on the individual subject webpages.
STEP 1: Email the completed registration form to AND
STEP 2: You will receive a reply from us within 1 to 3 days with the instructions on the payment method.
STEP 3: Payment must be done by the deadline stated above. Otherwise, a late fee ($170) or a very late fee ($270) will be imposed for each subject, on top of the subject fee.
STEP 4: Once payment is confirmed, SSTC will proceed to register the student for the examinations. A Statement of Entry will be provided after a successful registration.
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