SSTC Institute’s Free Talk on GCE ‘O’ Level Exam TIPS!

As part of our community service in the spirit of SG50, SSTC has rolled the following free talks on examination tips for students taking the GCE ‘O’ and ‘N’ level exams this year:

Session 1 TOPIC: English/Oral

FREE TALK Session 1.1 FREE TALK Session 1.2

Session 2 TOPIC: Mathematics

FREE TALK Session 2.1 FREE TALK Session 2.2


Topic: English (Written)

Date: Saturday, 22 Aug 2015

Time: 11:00am – 2:00pm, SSTC Institute, Auditorium, Park Mall

Topic: Social Studies/Geography

Date: Saturday, 29 Aug 2015

Time: 11:00am – 2:00pm, SSTC Institute, Auditorium, Park Mall

Tune in to Mediacorp’s Malay Radio Stations Warna 94.2FM and RIA 89.7FM for more information on how to register for SSTC’s Free Talk for GCE ‘O’ Level Exam Tips-

Broadcast Dates – 19, 24 & 26 Aug 2015

Timings – 6:15pm & 9:35pm on Warna 94.2FM ( Malay), 11:30am & 9:30pm on RIA 89.7FM (Malay)

Or call us at 6235 5685 for more information.