Congratulations YANG LE!

SSTC Institute congratulates Yang Le for being offered a spot at our prestigious National University of Singapore (NUS) for the Undergraduate Programme for Bachelor of Engineering.


YANG LE was enrolled with SSTC Institute in the Preparatory Course for GCE A-Levels and attained outstanding results for the 2014 GCE A-Levels Examinations. His determination and hard work paid off with a Letter-of-Offer from the National University of Singapore (NUS) to pursue his degree in Engineering.


(L-R: Mr Joshua Wong – Student Welfare Manger/Pastoral Counsellor, Mr Arnel Juntura – Student Recruitment Manager, Ms Tracy Linan – Territory Manager/Course Counsultant, YANG LE, Yang Le’s Mother, Mr Muhamad Ibrahim – Programme Manager Academic Studies)


On behalf of all of us at SSTC Institute, our heartfelt congratulations on a job WELL DONE! We wish you the best and every success towards your educational goals and future endeavours.