The University of Illinois Springfield (UIS) is proud to be one of the three campuses of the University of Illinois. Their degrees are amongst the most recognizable and prestigious in the nation.
Both UIS and SSTC share similar philosophies when it comes to education. Both institutions believe in small class sizes and high quality education, that students are individuals and that quality cannot be sacrificed for growth. It is no wonder that UIS chose SSTC to be the first school to sign an Affiliation Agreement in Singapore to collaborate on a pathway for students to study at SSTC and UIS.
SSTC’s CEO – Ms Rose Yeo and SSTC’s Principal – Mr Emil Dereinda, had the privilege to visit the University of Illinois Springfield USA to meet with their academic department and the University’s Chancellor to further forge relationships between both educational institutions
From the Blog of Susan J. Koch – Chancellor (UIS) :
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
“One of the most interesting aspects of being Chancellor is the opportunity to meet and interact with people from all over the world. Today I had an engaging visit here on campus with Rose Yeo, CEO of SSTC School for Further Education in Singapore and Emil Dereinda, Principal at SSTC. They are visiting our campus for the first time to advance an international agreement with UIS that will allow students to complete their first two years of undergraduate education in Singapore and then their final two years here at UIS, earning a University of Illinois Degree in Business. It’s an extraordinary opportunity for our faculty and students to develop an international relationship in a very important place in the world.”